Sunday, 30 March 2014

Kate Bush and Film

I have Kate Bush Tickets!  I got them in the pre-sale on Wednesday. 9th September. 166 days away.

In preparation I have decided to make the change from Lush's 'Caca Brun' to 'Caca Marron' in the hope that, when Kate's eyes meet mine, my hair will resemble hers', circa 1980 at the height of her Babooshka bikinied brilliance.

Here's my hair today after one go with Caca Marron. Watch it turn more racily red over the coming months.

The BFI pipped us to the post with this run down of the inspiration  Kate has taken from film, strategically worded to fit in with the Gothic theme they have going on this year.

 Not to be out-Bushed I have put together my own little montage of Kate's contribution to film;

This Woman's Work (1989).i
This was written for the John Hughes film 'She's Having a Baby'. Many (not fans) say this is their favourite Kate Bush song ever.  It was covered by experimental jazzist Theo Bleckmann on his album of Kate covers (which I own). It's also the name of her 1978-1990 box set anthology (which I own).

Brazil (1985)
Kate recorded a version of Ary Baroso's 1939 song  'Brazil'  (Aquarela do Brazil) for the soundtrack of the Terry Gilliam film of the same name. It wasn't actually used in the film. No surprise, though,  that two very individual artists chose to work together. We played  Kate's version when we did the Gilliam show in 2010. It is absolutely beautiful. Perfect. Transcendent. We were asked to play it again for the 1000 show mash up we did with 'At the Movies' and, sadly,  couldn't  find the licensed version we'd downloaded. You Tube it.

Lyra (2007)
Kate contributed this to the soundtrack for  'The Golden Compass'; Hollywood's go at Philip Pullman's 'Northern Lights'. It was.apparently, written and recorded with 10 days notice and featured the choir from Magdalen College. 

Ken (1988)
This tribute to 'Red' Ken Livingstone (leader of the GLC and Mayor of London until succeeded by bumbling idiot Boris Johnson) was kindly contributed to 'The Comic Strip Presents..The Strike' which was televised at the peak of my 'Kate Bush Period'.  Ken was played by Robbie Coltrane (who I once met in an Indian restaurant in Stirling. Tall).  It was released on the 'b' side (remember those) of Love and Anger (which I also own).

Les Dogs  (1990)
Our Kate made an appearance  in this Comic Strip production which, frankly, still baffles me. LOVE YOU, KATE. SEE YOU ON THE 9th Sept MWWAHH.. xxx   

Cloudbusting (1985)
Co-starring Donald Sutherland as a version of Wilhelm Reich, and made in conjunction with Terry Gilliam,  this music video had limited release at the cinema as a 'support' film, it were that good. I went to the cinema just to see it on the big screen!

The Line, the Curve and the Cross (1993)
Dismissed by Kate as "A load of old bollocks".   It co-stars Miranda Richardson and, Kate's old mime teacher, Lindsay Kemp (he was  in 'The Wicker Man'). Kate knows best, 

Don't Give Up (1986)
This duet with Peter Gabriel was used over the closing credits of 'The Bone Collector' (1999). The song was written by Gabriel and appears on his 'So' album. His original choice for the female vocal was Dolly Parton.

For those of you who didn't manage to secure tickets, Hackney Attic, above Hackney Picturehouse, are hosting a Kate Bush Night on the first night of Kate's run.  You can find details here; 

 Did I mention I have tickets? Got them in the pre-sale.